you might wonder

fresh ideas and passion to make awesome software

Who We Are

We are a group of IT professionals who are driven to make a real difference to the way people live their lives.

With our extensive background in designing and building commercial applications, we are well placed to take advantage of the latest technologies and apply them in a meaningful way.


This stage of the process typically involves a face to face gathering of those able to add value to the project - we work through what opportunities might exist, the value which could be attained by finding a way to make the most of the opportunity, and then bounce ideas off each other for ways to go about it.


The design stage is the creative part, where we take the best ideas and prove them out with a design, both 'under the covers' and user-facing to find rough options and effort to implememt.


Then we build the minimum required to test it, not to make it perfect, but to see if we're heading in the right direction. If not, we adjust and try again, until we have enough to release it.


After we have made enough learnings and produced enough software to deliver to the market, we prepare a Beta, then Live release. If it's successful, we go back to the start of the process again to see what other opportunities are worth investing in.

What we do

We take pride in what we do. We create solutions, which are simple, elegant and add tangible value to people's lives.

Website design and development

We have experience with various Content Management Systems (CMS) as well as building bespoke websites from the ground up, suitable for desktop, tablet and phones.

Mobile Applications

We have developed mobile applications ranging from productivity improvement apps through to Augmented Reality gaming.

Illustrations and Animation

We can design and create 2D animated characters, typically for inclusion in applications, to provide a bit of personality and humour.

Cloud Services

We have many years experience building enterprise-scale software, including self-hosted and cloud-hosted systems.

UI/UX Design

We work with clients to create tailor-made user experiences, using wireframes and prototyping tools, then delivering quality production-ready user interfaces.

Application Support

All of our internal applications are also supported internally, so we remain close to the action.

Our Works

We create experiences that people love. Check out our recent works.


Mobile App Development

Rambler is an Augmented-Reality game where you're challenged to find things, solve puzzles and have fun with your friends.


Mobile App Development

You can create your own playing areas from real-world maps.


Web and Mobile App Development


Web and Mobile App Development


Web Development

Man Walking

2D Animation

A simple 2D animation of a man walking.

Latest News

We are proud to announce the release of wotMatters.

wotMatters is a productivity tool to help you gather your thoughts and artefacts for the many things we all have going on in this busy world.

Click below to go to the application site, to learn more.


Keep In Touch

Feel free to contact us for any
project idea or collaboration